The Challenge of Mapping an Over Stimulated Mind!

Yes here I am approaching the middle of week three and I have just completed the week 2 learning path….cue the angels singing and the dulcet tones of Leonard Cohern’s Hallelujah!  The last couple of weeks have honestly probably been the most challenging of my uni journey to date….yes even taking pracs and my first semester into account.  This content has taken over my life and has definitely monopolized my time, I am hoping I am going to be able to glimpse at some of my other course content and assessment items now that I have survived week 2.

“There’s a crack, a crack in everything,  that’s how the light gets in”

Leonard Cohern

So looking on the bright side, although I am totally exhausted and would be quite happy to have a Iong break from staring at this screen, on a positive I also acknowledge I have probably been on the steepest learning curb of my journey and a indeed a more knowledgeable person as a result.  I have definitely added to my toolbelt and made significant progress with my Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), expanded my Personal Learning Network (PLN) and my growth mind-set although a little fatigued has definitely proven itself to be a muscle not a bucket. Also it has been great getting a glimpse into the reflections of other pre-service teachers blogs (although as with everything I wish I had more time to explore), I definitely can relate to Sandy’s post “Thank Goodness for a Technological PKM!!!”.  I know I have built new understandings and capabilities and as a bonus have become confident with using technologies that I had not even contemplated using before, I know I will be able use my new powers to enrich learning experiences for my future students, so many new opportunities have become possible as a result of this new knowledge.

I thought I would share my concept map I created with with you as I have spent a large portion of my day so far creating it, it’s obviously a work in progress and could probably do with a whole lot more organizing and refining, but for today’s purpose it is what it is.  It was quite a challenge to sit and sort through all of the knowledge that I have been absorbing and to sort it into a nice little diagram.  During the process I found myself reflecting upon the challenge people with sensory and processing issues face on a day to day basis and how difficult it must be to develop strategies and processes that help to filter through all the incoming information so that they can create meaning out of the mayhem that is life……I can totally understand how the PKM framework can be a successful tool across different domains and within different contexts.   I realize this post is a little disjointed, but I guess its an insight into how I’m feeling and a good example of how I have rolled this week as I have faced the challenge of mapping an over stimulated mind.


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