Technological Change is not Additive it is Ecological

I can think of hundreds of ways that technology has become ecological within the culture of our family, my boys were born in the 90’s and have a diagnosis of being on the Autism Spectrum, as technology began to advance and became available to them so seemingly did their interest in the world around them.  We owe a depth of gratitude to technological advances which have supported their development in too many ways  to mention.  To touch the surface their language development, their learning processes, their confidence and capabilities in numerous areas and even their social skills and social network have significantly been enhanced and supported by ICTs. I discovered Natalie’s blog this week and her ‘Educate, Inspire, Change” post also touches on some of  the opportunities and possibilities that have been made possible for people with disabilities as a result of advances in ICTs. I have often wondered how significantly more successful the boys early intervention would have been if iPads, therapeutic learning apps and devices that support communication were as readily available in their early years as they are today.  Although I can’t imagine them being any more spectacular than they already are, they have grown into pretty impressive individuals.

I acknowledge that it has been necessary for their passion for all things ICT to be carefully managed, there was a real possibility that they would much rather become totally absorbed in their virtual world which gives them so much, rather than joining us here in reality where the environment is unpredictable, sometimes hard to cope with and where it’s not so easy to manipulate, managed or designed to suit their needs.  Although when reflecting upon technology and us, I realise it  has supported them not only in the virtual world  but in functioning day to day in the physical world, when I think about how they developed social skills, life skills, executive functioning skills and many of the important learning dispositions that did not come naturally to them ICTs usually played a part in some way. Technology is definitely our friend.

I guess the point I am trying to make is that if the technology had just been added to our environments without innovative planning, guidance and management the outcome may not have been as positive as it has been. I am not sure if I am on the right track with my thinking in regards to “Technological change is not additive it is ecological”, I can see I am on a different page than many others.  I guess this blog is about my PKM and about my perception and how I will use the knowledge I am building to enhance my personal pedagogy, so I guess I can’t be wrong.   I believe that when ICTs are embraced within cultures (including the culture of the classroom) it becomes part of the fabric of the ecology, it is not just an extra added component, it is interwoven into everything and when used innovatively and to its full advantage can significantly enhance our processes and the environment as a whole.

Within an early childhood context I have seen ICTs become part of the culture of learning and have witnessed ways ICTs have been introduced to the environment in brilliant ways within Kindergartens and in the beautiful centres and schools I visited in Reggio Emilia.  Additionally I have stumbled across some excited innovative ideas and ways ICTs are incorporated into the fabric of lessons and classes within schools during my journey at uni throughout the last few months.  Unfortunately I have also found evidence which I believe is at the other end of the spectrum, I was going to include the clip but I haven’t got to the section of the learning path that explains my right to share, so I though I had better not at this stage.  The footage shows a classrooms with lines of computers and children learning through apps and software while hunched over iPads learning solitarily, the teacher explains the success of the program in regards to honing their skills in preparation for sitting standardised tests and how the test results have improved as a result of the program.  I believe that all too often ICTs are being viewed as an being an additive and this is a prime example of such, these practises do not promote the same passion and enthusiasm I previously spoke about in regards to the possibilities for learning in the early years but actually support the cause for not introducing ICTs into early childhood environments if they are going to be used in this manner.  I strongly believe that to successfully enhance learning in the early years with the introduction of ICT it must be in a way that supports and promotes learning through play and discovery of the real  authentic world and that no Kindergarten classroom should look like the one described.

One of the reason’s I am striving to be an early childhood teacher is to provide children with environments that inspire and ignite a passion for learning more about the world around them.  I believe it is important  to create learning  environments where children are able to explore, experiment,  take risks, make mistakes and learn together.  Early learning environments and educators are given the unique opportunity to support learning and development in a way that contributes to and builds a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning.  I believe during this time it is important that children learn how to learn, how to successfully interact with others, develop executive functioning skills and understand that they are developing important dispositions for learning that will  support them throughout their life-long learning journey.

I believe we are blessed as educators in the 21st Century to have amazing ICTs  on our side and when implemented thoughtfully and respectfully they can become ecological and can truly enhance learning experiences for all children which will support them in becoming successful 21st century learners.  To finish on a positive I found this little gem that really portrays how I view ICTs and pedagogy, I think it is great because as the world of ICT continues to evolve at an ever increasing terrifying rate this message will  hold its relevance.


“We need to proceed with our eyes wide open so that we many use technology rather than be used by it”

Neil Postman ‘The 5 Things We Need to Know About Technological Change’


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